Course Curriculum

Level 1

01. Intro to the Spanish language
02. AR Verbs: The ARt of speaking Spanish
03. “To me it pleases the Spanish” and other odd things you have to learn to say
04. Negation: Just say no
05. Questions: ¿WTF is a ¿?
06. Ser y Estar: To be or not to be. I want this "to be" over
07. Gender: She's here to stay
08. ER & IR Verbs: Cuz you're nevER done conjugating
09. Pronunciation & Alphabet: If you see something, say something
10. Los numéros 0-1000: ¿Por qué no los dos?
11. Time, Days of the Week, & Months: Ahorita
12. Possession: Mi casa es su casa
13. ¿Dónde est--we already know where the library is...
14. This & That: it's like this and like that and like this and uh...
15. Present Continuous: I’m talkING over here
16. Comparatives & Superlatives : Doing the Most 101
17. Direct Objects

Level 2

00. (Re)Intro to the Spanish Language
01. ¿Qué lo que?
02. Reflexives: ¡Se compran colchones! ¡Sí, se puede! ¡No te preocupes!
03. Indirect Objects: ¡Te lo juro!
04. El Pretérito Indefinido: Tití me preguntó
05. El Imperfecto: ABA & ÍA
06. Past Participles: It's not giving what it was supposed to have gave
07. El condicional: I would, could, should, but still prob won't
08. El futuro: Si no sana hoy, sanará mañana
09. Commands: Para español, marque dos
10. The Perfect Tenses: See what had happened was...
11. Subjunctive: He got a big ego, such a big ego