
Rowan Stol

I have taken 6 years of French in high school and always wanted to pick it back up, but never really knew how. I love Damon and his course seemed like such a fun way to do so, and felt like it would actually match the way I speak naturally. I finished the course during a three-month stay in Paris and noticed so much progress in my understanding of the language. I really feel like I have the tools to make the language my own now. After finishing the course, I think most progress will come from continuing to write, read and speak, which I am working on now. The course was an extremely fun yet challenging experience and I would highly recommend it!
Laura Sicilia

This course solidified every little piece of french knowledge i had, and most importantly made it make sense, no more senseless memorizing! Also Damon took the time to send me a voice message to answer one of my questions, duolingo aint gonna do that… just saying
Sonam Choithramani

After learning French 'traditionally' for 12 years, I felt like I still couldn't hold a conversation with a native speaker, like Damon did in his videos. The combination of Damon's unique video personality alongside his structured resources has allowed me to come closer to that goal now more than ever - reigniting my passion for the language, culture and mostly, the people. If you're looking for quality education with a teacher that would have you questioning your life one second, and bursting with laughter the next, this is the course for you. 

Sofía Pascual Tabares

I loved this course! I knew no french and starting with Damon’s course has been really great. From the constant laughs and jokes to the original homework exercises, learning the language has become super fun. I specially appreciated that the course is constantly focused on “real french”, on common phrases and taught with a realistic day-to-day basis on how french is actually spoken.I did the level 1 (now buying the level 2), and I believe is a really complete and thorough course for a beginner. The study notes are clear and very intuitive, and along with the classes it does feel like an actual lecture (only the teacher is super cool and rocks the best outfits each class). Definitely would recommend!!!

“Students say he is way easier to learn from than their professors. "They go to class, and then watch my videos to be like, 'Alright, how do I actually do this?'" Dominique laughs, "People want to learn from real people who've done it, that they can relate to and see themselves in.” GO

Marcus Stefan

I liked the structure and how the grammar is well explained… and simplified. I also like the way Damon is mixing both English and French/ Spanish… this makes the transition smoother.

Kate Dudgeon

I was so bored of not being taught French that I could use in real life... and this course was the one to bring my French to a whole new level! I love that it brings in different aspects of culture (such as songs that actual French people know, and you will need to know!) and links real world situations with responses that make you sound like a human and not some AI robot. Thank you Damon, I have loved the feeling of improving my French with a friend.

Becca Lang

I was so excited to see that you finally put out language courses since I’ve been following you for like 7 years now and I love the way you think about the world/languages! I had been learning french for 8 years before taking your course, but hearing your advice on slang and learning more casual phrases that I didn’t even know about gave me the confidence to befriend more french people when I moved to Paris as an au pair! I am just such a fan of you and your work and I can’t wait to see what new things you’ve got cooking up!! You’ve inspired me so so much over the years, so thank you for showing that I can live a global life and take advantage of this beautiful life that we’ve been given! This has turned into a really long review lol but I just had to let you know how much I appreciate you! 💗

Joy Zhang

Super useful! I just moved to Paris and been taking a boring French course tous les jours mais damons course just add a little juicy saucy to my quotidien life. I love it! Especially for a native English speaker to explain to me what the actual F is going on with these French conjunctions I love every single moment of it. On my way to finish the rest of the course brb...

Benjamin Morel

I moved to paris, and needed to learn french quick quick. This was so f*cking fun to do. Its not only a language course but also culture and etiquette, so perfect if you want to REALLY talk the french like the french do.

Mirari Achurra

I decided to enroll, because I wanted to learn while having a little laugh. And Damon is just the perfect person to it, sometimes I forget that I’m in a language course, because of how smooth and funny he makes the classes. 100% worth it, 0 regrets.

Kendra de Vries-Thomas

Intermediate French was a great primer before I moved to Montréal. Damon’s course condensed yeeeears of Canadian public school French class into a much more concise, fun, and interesting package. The homework is challenging but makes you think about how YOU would speak to someone in French. Je recommande ce cours!

Anne Sofie

I bought both courses in order to really get down to the basics again. It was so much more fun to learn on your own, when you have a professor like you with a personal touch - the homework, songs, your stories etc made it a lot more enjoyable and I’ve never learned French this way. It’s really a good combo and made me so motivated to learn more. I was looking forward every time! I am taking a french test this summer in order to study in Paris so this was much needed. Merci, Damon.

“The travel YouTuber Damon Dominique’s foreign language courses, for instance, are full of funny and beautifully edited videos in which he teaches students conversational French or Spanish, interspersed with entertaining stories about his escapades hitting on men at European raves.” GO
Victoria Ortega

I took French up to a C1 level in college, and while that was helpful for really perfecting my knowledge of French grammar, I was tired of flipping on a Netflix show to watch in French and not understanding what was going on because at least 60% of it included slang terms I was never taught. Damon’s French courses were able to help me review grammar from a fresh and new perspective, but also taught me a bunch of slang and expressions that I desperately needed ASAP in order to feel in any way more confident and fluent in French. Because of his French courses (and now his Spanish courses that I’ve just finished!), I was able to get my knowledge of both languages at such a level that I was actually able to secure a dream job in translation now where I specialize in both languages. Damon, I owe you HUGE for making these courses both fun and informative for my sleepy self prioritizing them at 5 in the morning each day to ensure I got my language practice in 😂 I can’t recommend them highly enough - Damon knows what he’s talking about!!
