20% OFF –– SPRING20
 20% OFF –– SPRING20


         I’ve taken about 1700 French classes and now here’s all the French I wish I had learned...

Français 1

You spoke French once, but that was when you were 8 years old singing Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi. You still say Ooh là là when you're impressed, but haven't learned that most French people say it when they're annoyed. And you didn't know that hors-d'œuvres was a French word (or spelled like that). Your name might as well be Emily, cuz every time you go to Paris, your French is as basic as that beret you bought in the metro for €5.


Learn to speak like you, not like a textbook.

We cover all the standard grammar you need to form coherent sentences, but also nonstandard street slang you wouldn’t learn elsewhere (because your teacher would get fired).


I’ve lived in Paris for years and can tell you where you’re gonna get confused as an English speaker, so I created exercises and quizzes to place you in realistic scenarios where you’ll probably freeze up.